Turkey: According to the Turkish Statistical Institute, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Tourism income increased by 27.1%
In the third quarter which is July, August, and September of 2022 tourism income increased by 27.1% and reached 17 billion 952 million 361 thousand dollars. 14.3% of tourism income was obtained from Turkish citizens resident abroad.
Visitors organize their travel individually or with a package tour. While individual expenditures constituted 12 billion 562 million 557 thousand dollars of the total tourism income, 5 billion 389 million 804 thousand dollars of tourism income was obtained by package tour expenditures.
Number of departing visitors increased by 54%
In this quarter, the number of departing visitors increased by 54% compared to the same quarter of the previous year and reached 21 million 128 persons. 11.3% of the visitors were Turkish citizens resident abroad with 2 million 374 thousand 125 people.
In this quarter, the average expenditure per night for visitors departing from our country was 89 dollars. The average expenditure per night of Turkish citizens resident abroad was 62 dollars.
Tourism income and number of visitors, Quarter III: July-September, 2022

All types of expenditures increased in this quarter compared to the same quarter of the previous year, excluding health and other expenditures. Package tour expenditures (the remaining share in the country) increased by 110.5%, sports, education, culture expenditures increased by 81.7%, and international transportation expenditures increased by 35.7%.
In this quarter, visitors visited TĂĽrkiye mostly “travel, entertainment, sportive, and cultural activities” with 75.1%
The secondary purpose of the visit was “visiting relatives and friends” with 17.8% and the third was “shopping” with 2.6%. Turkish citizens resident abroad visited mostly to “visit relatives and friends” with 64.5%.
Departing visitors by the purpose of visit, Quarter III, 2022

Tourism expenditure increased by 89.3%
Tourism expenditure which is the expenditure of the Turkish citizens resident in Turkiye and visiting abroad, increased by 89.3% compared to the same quarter of the previous year and reached 1 billion 106 million 285 thousand dollars. While 907 million 483 thousand dollars of total expenditures were individual expenditures, 198 million 803 thousand dollars of tourism expenditures were package tour expenditures.
Tourism expenditure and the number of Turkish citizens visited abroad, Quarter III: July-September, 2022. The number of Turkish citizens visiting abroad increased by 137.3%
In this quarter number of Turkish citizens visiting abroad increased by 137.3% compared to the same quarter of the previous year and reached 2 million 72 thousand 116 persons. The average expenditure was 534 dollars per capita.
Average expenditure per capita, Quarter III, 2022