Turkey’s Tourism Income sees a massive jump

Turkey’s tourism industry witnessed a three-fold jump in revenue according to the data Published by the Turkish Statistical Institute on Friday (July 29).

As per data. “In the second quarter which is April, May and June of 2022 tourism income increased by 190.2% and reached 8 billion 717 million 103 thousand dollars. While 83.8% of this income (excluding GSM roaming and marina service expenditures) was obtained from foreign visitors, 16.2% was obtained from citizens resident abroad.”

Visitors organise their travel individually or with a package tour. While individual expenditures constituted 6 billion 273 million 64 thousand dollars of the total tourism income, 2 billion 444 million 39 thousand dollars of tourism income was obtained by package tour expenditures.

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In this quarter, all expenditure types increased compared to the same quarter of the previous year. Sports, education, and culture expenditure increased by 456.1%, package tour expenditure (share of Turkey) increased by 331.3% and accommodation expenditures increased by 185.6%.

Rate of change of expenditure types over the same period of the previous year (%), Quarter II, 2022

The average expenditure per night was 78 dollars

In this quarter, while the average expenditure per night of the foreigners who stayed overnight was 81 dollars, the average expenditure per night of Turkish citizens resident abroad was 65 dollars.

Number of departing visitors increased by 193.6%

In this quarter, the number of departing visitors increased by 193.6% compared to the same quarter of the previous year and reached to 11 million 939 thousand 131 persons. While 87% of visitors were foreign with 10 million 382 thousand 68 persons, 13% of them were Turkish citizens resident abroad with 1 million 557 thousand 63 persons.

In this quarter, foreign visitors visited Turkey mostly for “travel, entertainment, sportive and cultural activities” with 70.4%

The secondary purpose of the visit was “visiting relatives and friends” with 14.8% and the third was “shopping” with 6.7%. Turkish citizens resident abroad visited mostly for “visiting relatives and friends” with 57.9%.

Departing visitors by the purpose of visit, Quarter II, 2022

Tourism expenditure increased by 215.8%

Tourism expenditure which is the expenditure of the Turkish citizens resident in Turkey and visited abroad, increased by 215.8% compared to the same quarter of the previous year and reached 1 billion 57 million 787 thousand dollars. While 1 billion 11 million 504 thousand dollars of total expenditures were individual expenditures, 46 million 283 thousand dollars of tourism expenditures were package tour expenditures.

The number of Turkish citizens visiting abroad increased by 321.6%

In this quarter number of Turkish citizens who visited abroad increased by 321.6% compared to the same quarter of the previous year and reached 1 million 666 thousand 135 persons. The average expenditure was 635 dollars per capita.

Tourism expenditure, Quarter II, 2022 Average expenditure per capita, Quarter II, 2022

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