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Passengers Coming to Singapore from South Korea to serve stay-home notice at dedicated facilities

SINGAPORE: All travelers coming into Singapore from 11.59 pm on Saturday (Dec 26) who’ve traveled to South Korea in the past 14 days will have to serve their stay-home notice at dedicated facilities, mentioned the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Thursday.

MOH announced earlier this yr that travelers from South Korea are allowed to serve their 14-day stay-home notice at a suitable place of residence.

The tightening of border measures is because of a “sustained surge” in COVID-19 cases in South Korea, said the ministry in a press release. 

“Given the increased risk of community spread recently, all travelers coming into Singapore from Dec 26, 11.59 pm who have a travel history (including transit) up to now 14 days to the Republic of Korea will likely be required to serve a 14-day stay-home notice at dedicated … facilities,” mentioned MOH.

The new measures will apply to returning Singapore-based travelers under the Singapore-South Korea Reciprocal Green Lane (RGL) agreement.

The health ministry mentioned that travelers from Hong Kong, Fiji, Sri Lanka, and Thailand are still allowed to apply to opt-out of serving their stay-home notice at dedicated facilities and doing so at their place of residence instead.

Such travelers must ensure that they have not traveled to different nations or areas, including Australia, Brunei, Macau, mainland China, New Zealand, Taiwan, and Vietnam, in the final consecutive 14 days prior to entry. 

COVID-19 tests will continue to be administered before the end of the stay-home discovery period, mentioned MOH.

“As the global state of affairs evolves, we will continue to adjust our border measures to manage the risk of importation and transmission to the group,” mentioned MOH. 

Any modifications to border measures will be updated on the SafeTravel website, it added. 

Travelers are advised to visit the website to check for probably the most updated border measures before entering Singapore and be ready to be subjected to the prevailing border measures upon entry, including payment for their stay at dedicated facilities, tests, and treatment. 

MOH reminded travelers to accurately declare their travel history and that strict enforcement actions will be taken against false declarations.