IATA Warns Governments on High Cost of Testing

Wider test acceptance as a major step for the return of international travel, WTTC

WTTC ( World Travel and Tourism Council ) President & CEO, mentioned:WTTC welcomes the major step taken by the UK government which opens the doors for all international travelers arriving into England with proof of a negative COVID-19 test, no matter what the type of test they take.

“Giving equal validity to each COVID-19 test takes away the concern travelers might have that their test may not be accepted and thus face the prospect of being pressured into a quarantine, also means tests of every type will be more affordable and accessible for travelers seeking to enter the UK safely, with proof of a negative test, and additionally reduce the chance of exporting the virus.

“This action complements similar action taken within the US – and lots of other nations all over the world – which have launched an ‘open door’ policy to get protected journey moving with acceptable pre-boarding COVID-19 negative tests, such as PCR and fast antigen tests.”