Spain received 7,8 million international tourists in September, 66,3% more than in the same month of 2021

Spain received 7,8 million international tourists in September, 66,3% more than in the same month of 2021

The United Kingdom was the main country of residence, with over 1.8 million tourists, accounting for 23.0% of the total and an increase of 128.4% as compared to September last year.

Germany and France were the following countries with the most tourists visiting Spain. From Germany, we receive 1.1 million tourists (37.7% more in the annual rate) and from France 932,255 tourists (35.3% more in the annual rate).

Among the other countries of residence, the annual growth was particularly noteworthy in tourists coming from the United States (140.5%), Ireland (80.0%) and Italy (70.4%).

In the first nine months of 2022, the number of tourists visiting Spain increased by 183.5% and exceed 55.9 million. 19.7 million tourists came in the same month last year.

The main sending countries so far this year were the United Kingdom (with nearly 12.0 million tourists and an increase of 414.6% as compared to the first nine months of 2021), France (with more than 7.9 million, and an increase of 96.1%) and Germany (with 7.7 million tourists, 127.5% more).

Main destination Autonomous Communities

Illes Balears was the main tourist destination in September, with 24.3% of the total. It was followed by Cataluña (21.1%) and Andalucía (14.3%).

Almost 1.9 million tourists came to Illes Balears, 62.5% more than in September last year. The main countries of residence of tourists visiting this Autonomous Community were Germany (31.6% of the total) and the United Kingdom (26.9%).

The number of tourists visiting Cataluña increased by 88.2% and stood at nearly 1.7 million. 17.1% of these tourists came from France and 12.8% from the United Kingdom.

The third main destination Autonomous Community by a number of tourists was Andalucía, with more than 1.1 million tourists and an annual increase of 62.2%. the United Kingdom was the main country of origin (with 25.9% of the total), followed by France (10.5%).

In the remaining Autonomous Communities, the number of tourists increased, by 131.8% in Comunidad de Madrid, 52.0% in Canarias and 47.3% in Comunitat Valenciana.

In the accumulated first nine months of 2022, the Autonomous Communities that received the most tourists were Illes Balears (with nearly 11.6 million and an increase of 128.8% as compared with the same period in 2021), Cataluña (with over 11.5 million and an increase of 208.2%) and Canarias (with more than 8.7 million, and 272.1% more).

Forms of access and main means of accommodation

Most tourists visiting Spain in September came by air, with more than 6.5 million, representing an annual increase of 70.5%.

Road entries accounted for 26.3% more tourists, railway access registered 138.6% more and port arrivals 399.0% more.

In September, the number of tourists choosing market accommodation as the main type of accommodation increased by 72.6% in the annual rate. Within this type, hotel accommodation grew by 75.4%, while rented dwellings grew by 62.4%.

On the other hand, non-market accommodation increased by 34.0%. The number of tourists staying in relatives’ or friends’ homes increased by 38.5% and that of those staying in their own dwellings did so by 20.8%.

The main reason, length of stay and organization of the trip

In September, Leisure, recreation, and holidays were the main reasons for travelling to Spain with more than 6.9 million tourists, representing an annual increase of 65.9%.

A total of 487,547 tourists arrived for Business and professional reasons (90.4% more) and 428,292 arrived for Other reasons (49.7% more).

A stay of four to seven nights was the main length among tourists in September, with more than 3.8 million tourists and an annual increase of 77.9%.

The number of visitors increased by 27.0% among those without overnight stays (excursionists) and increased by 32.6% among tourists with longer duration (more than 15 nights).

In September, more than 5.5 million tourists travelled without a tourist package, indicating an annual increase of 51.6%. Almost 2.3 million tourists travelled with a tourist package, 117.5% more.

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