Covid-19: Romania to shorten quarantine period

Romania lift Night Curfew as substantial relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions implement

Romanian people no longer be obliged to wear masks in outdoor public places. The night curfew end and the stores return to their normal opening hours, last week Romanian President Klaus Iohannis announced to implement substantial relaxation of the restrictions imposed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in the following month.

“We are already preparing for post-pandemic Romania. If we all get vaccinated, the pandemic will decline and end,” President Iohannis said, quoted by

As of June 1, the authorities will allow more participants to public and private events, such as sports matches and weddings. Moreover, there will be no more limitations on the number of people who can attend such events if the organizer can make sure that all the participants are vaccinated.

While the current restrictions on the functioning of local schools will remain in place, the president said he was confident that all the students would be able to return to school by the end of the school year.

Iohannis spoke about a gradual relaxation of the restrictions over the summer, by September 1, when these measures will be reevaluated. “This relaxation is conditioned by two extremely important factors – on the one hand, the evolution of the pandemic and, obviously, to be measured by the incidence rate, on the other hand, the vaccination rate,” he explained.

The number of COVID-19 patients in critical condition treated in ATI units has also reduced significantly, the authorities aim to reach 5 million vaccinated people by June 1, according to Iohannis, although this number probably refers to people vaccinated with at least one dose.