The intervention will take place through a real estate fund managed by CDP Immobiliare Sgr, participated and financed by the Ministry of Tourism through 150 million resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan
Rome – The process of enhancing and upgrading the Italian tourist accommodation heritage continues in line with the provisions of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).
The collection of expressions of interest promoted by the tender for the selection of properties to be acquired and restructured through a real estate fund managed by CDP Immobiliare Sgr (CDPI SGR), a company of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) Group, closed with very positive results. participated and was financed by the Ministry of Tourism (MITUR) through the use of 150 million PNRR resources.
The procedure, in order to comply with the requirements of the PNRR, provides for the selection of at least 12 properties to be acquired and renovated by 31 December 2025 through the full use of European resources which, also considering the high number of applications received, they may possibly add further capital from institutional investors who want to support the project.
As of 31 August, the deadline for participation in the tender, a total of 111 expressions of interest have been received and distributed throughout the country, of which over 50% come from the Southern Regions and about 25% from the Public Administration. The applications received concern all types of tourist offer in the urban and extra-urban segments (sea, mountain, countryside, lake and spa).
The aim of the project is to start a process of relaunching the sector aimed at increasing the tourist offer, even in secondary locations or in economically more disadvantaged areas. The aim is to encourage the creation of an additional offer with respect to the more consolidated Italian tourist destinations, through the redevelopment and enhancement of properties with high tourist potential, with attention to sustainability, digitization and energy efficiency of the structures.