Overnight stays in Austria in September 2022 were slightly below the previous year’s level

Austria Tourism winter season 2022/23 stars with 4.9 million overnight stays

Second-best September result since 1992

Vienna – According to preliminary results from Statistics Austria, a total of 11.59 million overnight stays in Austrian accommodation establishments were reported for September 2022. This was 1.2 % fewer overnight stays compared to September 2021, but 1.4 % higher than the pre-pandemic level of September 2019.

“In terms of overnight stays, September 2022 was the second best in thirty years and was only surpassed by September 2021. This is mainly due to the high number of Austrian guests since the beginning of the pandemic. Compared to September of the previous year, which was still characterized by travel restrictions due to Corona, the number of overnight stays by guests from Germany fell by 9.3 % to 3.65 million but was still 5.1 % above the level of pre-Corona September in 2019. The number of overnight stays by guests from abroad, on the other hand, leveled off again at the pre-Corona level at 7.94 million,” says Statistics Austria Director General Tobias Thomas.

Two-thirds of non-resident guests in September 2022

Of the total of 11.59 million overnight stays in September 2022, more than two-thirds (68.9 % or 7.94 million overnight stays) were attributable to non-resident guests, and one-third (31.1% or 3.65 million overnight stays) to resident guests. Non-resident overnight stays in September 2022 were thus higher than in the same month of the previous year (+3.1 %; 7.71 million overnight stays). Compared to September 2021,

9.3 % fewer overnight stays were recorded by resident guests

Summer season to date with more overnight stays than the previous year

The summer season to date (May to September) recorded a total of 69.48 million overnight stays, of which

30.7 % were accounted for by guests from Austria and 69.3 % by non-resident guests. Compared to the same period last year, the number of overnight stays thus increased by 18.9 % (58.42 million overnight stays). Overnight stays by resident guests increased by 1.7 % to 21.33 million, while those by non-resident guests grew by 28.6 % to 48.15 million. Overall, overnight stays were 1.4 % below the level of summer 2019.

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