Strong growth for Norwegian tourism in 2022

Norway reports 5.2 million guest nights at commercial accommodation establishments in August

The number of foreign guest nights in August was at the same level as before the pandemic. There were almost 2 million foreign guest nights, an increase of 129 per cent compared to August 2021. Norwegian overnight stays fell by 8 per cent in the same period.

Norway: New figures from the accommodation statistics show that there were around 5.2 million guest nights at commercial accommodation establishments in August this year. This is an increase of 18 per cent since August last year.

More foreign guest nights at hotels

An increase in foreign guest nights at hotels contributed most to the increase in the total number of overnight stays from August last year. Foreign guest nights at hotels increased by 190 per cent. Norwegian guest nights at hotels were about the same.

Compared to August 2019, the number of Norwegian hotel guest nights increased by 109 000, foreign guest nights were 18 per cent lower. Guest nights from Asia are still low. China, Japan and South Korea had altogether 90 per cent fewer guest nights at hotels compared to August 2019.

figure 1 overnight stays FILEminimizer

Higher revenue at hotels

Revenue at Norwegian hotels has fluctuated throughout the pandemic. Compared to August 2019, the revenue has increased by 25 per cent. At the same time, the number of guest nights has decreased somewhat compared to August 2019. In August 2019, the average price per room was NOK 1 008, while in August this year it had increased to NOK 1 275.

figur 2 seasonally adjus FILEminimizer

March 2020 and the following months are defined as extreme values in the seasonal adjustment routine. Smoothed adjusted values have therefore been excluded from March 2020 to March 2022

More foreign guests at camping sites

There were almost 1.7 million guest nights at Norwegian camping sites in August. This was a 2.8 per cent increase from August last year. Foreign guest nights increased by 337 0000. Norwegian guest nights on the other hand decreased by 292 000 compared to last year. One out of four foreign guest nights at camping sites were in Vestland county.

figure 3 guest nights at FILEminimizer