New Christ statue in Brazil taller than Rio De Janeiro's 'Christ The Redeemer'

New Christ statue in Brazil taller than Rio De Janeiro’s ‘Christ The Redeemer’

The World Largest statue of Jesus Christ, which has been built in the small town of Encantado in southern Brazil, is taller than Rio’s famous ‘Christ The Redeemer’ at 141 feet.’Christ the Protector’ has been sculpted by Markus Moura from Brazil’s Ceara State. Funded by local businesses in the region, the work on the statue began in 2019 and it was completed on April 22.

“I got very emotional. It’s a feeling I can’t quite explain,” said Moura upon completion of the statue. Standing 141 feet tall, the impressive structure was built with concrete over a metal structure. It has been erected on a hill that overlooks the town of Encantado.

The structure will soon become a major tourist attraction because it has an observation point for visitors who can look out through a heart-shaped window. However, the attraction will open to the public in 2023, as its part of one of several stages in building a tourist complex.

While photos of the stunning monument have been released, visitation is now limited to construction workers, site managers, and local conductors. But more than 50,000 people, including tourists from 21 countries, have already visited the monument. The idea for the statue came from former local mayor Adroaldo Conzatti, who died of COVID-19 in March 2021.