Netherlands: In Q2 2022, turnover in the accommodation and food services sector rose by 31.3 per cent relative to the previous quarter, as reported by Statistics Netherlands (CBS). This was mainly due to the discontinuance of the measures against the spread of coronavirus. The volume (turnover adjusted for price changes) increased by 29 per cent. Both turnover and volume were higher in the second quarter of 2022 than before, for the first time since the outbreak of the coronavirus crisis.
Relative to Q2 2021, turnover in the accommodation and food services sector was 84.7 per cent higher. Last year, however, the sector was still affected by coronavirus measures during the second quarter.

Significantly more turnover at hotels, cafés and restaurants
Seasonally adjusted turnover in accommodation services including hotels and holiday parks rose by 37.9 per cent in Q2 2022 compared to the previous quarter. Hotels had almost 61 per cent more turnover than in the previous quarter. The turnover of other accommodation services including holiday parks and campsites increased less significantly (by 2.5 per cent). This is because hotels have been hit much harder by the coronavirus crisis than other accommodation services.
Turnover of food and beverage outlets increased by 29.1 per cent compared to the previous quarter. All underlying branches recorded turnover growth. Cafés saw the sharpest increase: 48.9 per cent. Restaurants achieved 36.2 per cent more turnover than in the previous quarter. Both branches benefited greatly from the abolition of the measures. Turnover of fast food restaurants (including snack bars and cafeterias) increased by 5.8 per cent compared to the previous quarter. Canteens and catering achieved 34.5 per cent more turnover.

Turnover in accommodation and food services up by almost 85 per cent year on year
In Q2 2022, turnover in accommodation and food services was 84.7 per cent up in the same quarter of 2021. The substantial growth is due to the fact that the sector was still severely affected by the coronavirus measures during the second quarter of last year. Restrictive measures had already been relaxed considerably in the first quarter of 2022 and were lifted completely in the second quarter. For the first time since the coronavirus crisis, turnover was also higher than in the same quarter before the crisis. Compared to Q2 2019, turnover was almost 19 per cent higher.
Hotels recorded 172.4 per cent more turnover in Q2 than one year previously. Compared to Q2 2019, turnover was almost 6 per cent higher. Holiday accommodation rental companies and camping sites recorded a turnover increase of 27 per cent compared to Q2 2021 and over 20 per cent compared to Q2 2019.
The year-on-year turnover increase at cafés was 134.4 per cent in Q2. This is the largest increase in turnover of all branches, except for hotels. Turnover was more than 19 per cent higher than in the same quarter of 2019. Restaurants achieved 94.5 per cent more turnover year on year. Compared to Q2 2019, turnover was up by almost a quarter.
Fast food restaurants recorded a year-on-year turnover increase of 32.2 per cent. Relative to Q2 2019, turnover was 28.3 per cent higher. Finally, canteens and catering achieved over 83 per cent more turnover than one year previously. Their turnover was 13.6 per cent higher than in Q2 2019.

Entrepreneurs in accommodation and food services have less positive
At the start of Q3 2022, business confidence showed a decline in most industries. Nevertheless, it remained positive in all industries. The strongest decline was seen in accommodation and food services. Entrepreneurs in this sector were considerably less positive about their turnover in the next three months and more negative about the economic climate in the next three months, compared to the previous quarter. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, business confidence (the percentage balance of positive and negative answers) has been volatile, partly on account of COVID-19 measures.