Malta Tourism Data for the second quarter of 2022, NSO-Malta reports

Malta registered 273,646 inbound tourists in July 2022

Total outbound tourists for the second quarter in 2022 were estimated at 139,083, while total nights spent amounted to 951,051.

Total guests in collective accommodation establishments during the second quarter of 2022 stood at 512,486 while total nights spent amounted to 2,261,411.

Outbound Tourism: April-June 2022

During the quarter under review, a total of 75,618 outbound tourist trips were undertaken for holiday purposes, followed by 39,320 trips for visiting friends and relatives. Most outbound tourists were aged between 25 and 44 years (50.2 per cent), followed by those within the 45-64 age bracket (26.8 per cent). Italy remained the most popular destination, with a share of 39.2 per cent of total tourist trips.

The largest share of guest nights (56.4 per cent) was spent in non-rented accommodation establishments. The average length of stay of total outbound tourists stood at 6.8 nights. Total expenditure by outbound tourists between April and June reached €113.3 million, equivalent to an average of €815 per person.

Collective Accommodation Establishments: Q2/2022

In the second quarter of 2022, the largest share of guest nights was reported in 4-star hotels, with 46.5 per cent of the total.

The average length of stay in collective accommodation establishments went up to 4.4 nights in the second quarter of 2022, from the average of 4.1 nights registered during the same quarter of 2021. The net use of bed-places stood at 58.4 per cent, up by 39.7 percentage points when compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year.

On a national level, during June 2022, there were 249 active collective accommodation establishments with a net capacity of 18,890 bedrooms and 43,331 bed-places.

Regional breakdown

On a regional level, total guests in Malta numbered 487,299 while the number of nights spent stood at 2,190,020. Total guests and nights in Gozo and Comino increased to 25,187 and 71,391 respectively from 11,438 and 26,924 registered in 2021.

When compared with the same quarter of the previous year, in Malta, the average length of stay went up by 0.2 of a night to 4.5 nights. In Gozo and Comino, the average length of stay increased by 0.5 a night to 2.8 nights. The net occupancy rate in Malta increased by 40.7 percentage points, reaching 59.2 per cent, and that in Gozo and Comino increased by 17.8 percentage points to 40.5 per cent.

January-June 2022

Total guests for the first half of 2022 amounted to 766,214, an increase of 540,515 over the same period in 2021. Total nights spent increased by 2,396,117 reaching 3,298,720 nights. The net use of bed-places went up by 29.9 percentage points to 44.5 per cent.

Source: National Statistics Office (NSO) – Malta

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