Korean Air has adopted CEFA Aviation’s latest flight animation software (FAS) since October.
As the first airline in Korea to adopt CEFA FAS, Korean Air expects the software to raise the airline’s standards of flight safety management and safety investigation.
CEFA Aviation enhances flight safety and pilot training by developing world-leading 3D animation software and services for over 22 years. The innovative flight data animation solutions were specially designed by its experts to allow flight safety teams and pilots to recreate flights with high accuracy based on data from aircraft flight recorders. More than 100 legacy and regional airlines, cargo operators, and investigative bodies on five continents use CEFA Aviation’s advanced flight data animation for flight data monitoring (FDM) and flight operations quality assurance (FOQA) analysis and pilot training.
Korean Air, which in 2005 has successfully developed and continuously upgraded its own flight data animation system (FDAS), already has extensive know-how in the field of flight data analysis technology. The introduction of CEFA FAS will create synergy between Korean Air’s know-how and CEFA FAS’s technology, creating greater progress in improving safety management capabilities and mutual technological development and insight.