Rome – ITA Airways announce a new codeshare agreement with Azul – Linhas AĂ©reas Brasileiras, the largest airline in Brazil in terms of the number of cities served and departures.
This codeshare agreement will provide the best connection options with the main Brazilian cities to customers of the Italian flagship carrier. The agreement, which takes effect on June 10, is already available on the company’s official channels.
Thanks to this codeshare agreement, ITA Airways will place its code “AZ” on domestic flights operated by Azul in eight strategic domestic markets: Belém (PA), Cuiabá (MT), Santos Dumont (RJ), Porto Alegre (RS), Recife (PE), Juazeiro do Norte (CE), Confins (MG) and Curitiba (PR), connecting via São Paulo with 5 weekly frequencies in June and July, which will become daily frequencies from August.
Besides access to Azul’s domestic network, the benefits and convenience of a codeshare ticket for ITA Airways customers will include thru check-in and thru baggage.
These new connections will allow ITA Airways to start expanding in South America, which has always been a favourite destination for Italian holidays and a destination with the highest population of Italian origin, as well as a very important market along with the United States for business and cargo traffic.