Tourists' overnight stays in Iceland increased by 77% between years

Iceland tourism show an increase of almost 55% from the previous year

Turnover according to VAT reports in Icelandic tourism sectors was just under 144 billion ISK in September to October this year, an increase of almost 55% from the previous year.

Employment in the tourism industry in Iceland was 29,990 in October 2022, an increase of 19% compared with October 2021. In the 12-month period from November 2021 to October 2022, an average of 27,787 individuals worked in the tourism industry compared with 19,219 in the previous 12-month period.

Overnight stays in hotels in October were almost 470,000 compared with 359,310 in October 2021. The number of overnight stays by Icelanders were 90,412 (-4%) and the number of overnight stays by foreign guests were 379,490 (+43%).

Revenue from non-Icelandic tourists during the third quarter of 2022 was just over 187 billion ISK compared with the same period last year when it was 106,2 billion ISK. Revenue from non-Icelandic tourists has increased by 193% in the last 12 months when compared with the same period the year before, from 193,5 billion ISK to 566,5 billion ISK.

In November, there were 172.561 departures of passengers from Keflavik airport compared with 109.189 in November 2021. Departures of passengers with foreign citizenship were 138.193 compared with 75.460 a year earlier.