Hong Kong has around 600,000 visitors in 2022

Hong Kong has around 600,000 visitors in 2022

The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) announced that 2022 recorded provisional full-year visitor arrival of 600,000. Since the Government gradually lifted various pandemic-related inbound control measures, visitor arrivals have picked up gradually in the past few months, with most visitors coming from the Mainland and Southeast Asian markets. In addition to overnight stopovers and family reunions, business travelers also start to increase in number.

HKTB expected that Hong Kong’s tourism will be revived progressively, and has gradually stepped up promotions in advance in selected visitor source markets to broadcast the positive message that Hong Kong is welcoming back visitors. HKTB will also launch a large-scale global promotion in phase (see appendix) to drive the swift revival of the tourism industry jointly with the travel trade.

Provisional visitor arrivals of December and year 2022

MarketsOctoberNovemberDecember2022 (Jan Dec) (year-on-year change)
Mainland47,60758,69467,258375,144 (+471.0%)
Non-Mainland*32,91755,06993,320229,420 (+792.5%)
Short-haul14,36824,22249,009106,781 (+904.6%)
Long-haul14,65124,83234,54595,905 (+880.5%)
New markets2,9314,8945,55316,582 (+390.6%)
Total80,524113,763160,578604,564 (+561.5%)
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