France to use Covid-19 Traffic Light System for Travellers From Outside EU by Month End

France set to be most visited country in the world by 2025, GlobalData Says

As France is reopening for international travel, it is launching its traffic light system for international travel.

France is modeling a three-tier system like the UK and other countries to open for international travel once again, France is to classify countries into three color-coded categories for foreign travel with the color determining the quarantine measures and other travel restrictions for countries outside the European Union.

Travelers from Countries on the green list will not need to quarantine on arrival.

Like the UK, various levels of testing, and quarantine are being used to control coronavirus cases and international travel.

The traffic light system is one of the steps the French government is taking to ensure a safe reopening this summer when it expects international travel to pick up again.

Several countries such as the UK, have already put in place similar systems, allowing for Travelers coming from green countries, with low infection rates, to escape some of the Strictest measures in place, on those coming in, from red countries with high infection rates.

The French tourism minister Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne did not clarify the rules for each Color group, nor did he mention specific countries subject to either color, Other than hinting that, there are only five or six green countries at the moment.

But with time it will expand, Lemoyne said, referring to when more people are vaccinated against the virus.

Due to a mounting fear of new Covid variants, France already placed several countries on a red list, obliging travelers to comply with strict rules, including a compulsory police-enforced quarantine period.

Travel for most non-EU countries at present, is only possible for essential reasons, although this restriction will be lifted from June.

Currently, only travelers from the following third countries are allowed to enter France: Australia, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, The United Kingdom.

All non-EU arrivals need to present a negative Covid test  

And a sworn declaration at the border, and are asked to observe a voluntary quarantine, The French government, announced the extension of its red list of countries in which all arrivals are subject to a compulsory, 10 days police-enforced quarantine.

Only essential travel is allowed to enter France, for travelers from the following countries: Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, India. Nepal, Pakistan, Qatar, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Turkey, The United Arab Emirates.

Arrivals from these countries need to present negative PCR test results and a sworn declaration, that they do not have known contact with someone with COVID 19, in the 14 days before travel to France.

Travelers from other countries, not on the green and red list, cannot enter France unless they are exempted from the travel restrictions.

The French government hopes to publish the new red, orange, and green lists, sometime before the end of the month.

The lists will be updated, according to the epidemic development in each country. The French government is also working together, with the EU to set up a digital Covid 19 health pass, with vaccination certificates and test results,  that will become key for international travel within the bloc.

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