Egypt and Sudan to connect rail networks with a new line

Railway Project Connecting Egypt-Sudan, Egypt transport minister says

EGYPT and Sudan have agreed to build a rail track from Aswan, Egypt, to Halfa, Sudan, to connect the 2 nations’ rail networks. The first stage would run for 283.5km from Aswan to Toshka and Abu Simbel, with the second stage extending the line to Halfa.

The project is expected to improve passenger and freight transport options particularly agricultural products.

The 2 lines are currently connected by the Aswan – Wadi Halfa ferry, which operates along the Nile River.

The project was approved by the governor of Aswan, main general Ashraf Attia, and officials from the Egyptian Ministry of Transport. The line was also included in a bilateral meeting between the president of Egypt, Mr. Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, and the prime minister of Sudan, Mr. Abdullah Hamdok, which was organized last month to discuss the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

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