Delta Air Lines, an American air carrier, is going to resume its direct flights from Prague to New York, JFK Airport, effective 26 May 2022. Throughout the summer flight schedule, the airline plans to operate the route up to seven times a week using Boeing 767-300 aircraft.
“The resumption of direct flights to New York, which was one of the most attractive long-haul routes operated from Prague Airport in 2019, is excellent news primarily for Czech passengers. They will be able to enjoy a convenient and fast connection to the east coast of the United States after a two-year pause. Before the current crisis, more than 70,000 passengers flew between Prague and New York every year, which represents a strong potential, able to support up to a year-round direct connection with Prague,” Jiří Pos, Chairman of the Prague Airport Board of Directors, said, adding: “The re-launch of the route is, among other things, the result of negotiations carried out by Prague Airport representatives at the World Routes Development Forum, currently underway in Milan, Italy.”
“We are pleased to return to the Czech market with direct flights, able to offer passengers a comfortable and fast connection from Prague to New York and to further-away destinations on the American continent,” Guido Hackel, Air France, KLM and Delta Air Lines Country Manager for Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, noted.
“The resumption of a direct air connection with the USA is absolutely crucial from the inbound tourism point of view. This will allow us to build on the steady increase in the number of tourists from the US, which we, as the destination, enjoyed before the COVID-19 crisis. Creditworthy tourists from the United States of America are a welcome clientele of tourism entrepreneurs in Prague and other regions alike. Longer stays and visits to places outside the capital are typical for American tourists,” Jan Herget, CzechTourism Managing Director, commented.
The resumption of direct long-haul flights at Prague Airport is governed by both the relaxation of anti-epidemic measures in the world and the rules for entry of foreign visitors to the Czech Republic. Of the 15 long-haul flights offered by Prague Airport in 2019, just the routes to Dubai and Doha are currently in operation. During the winter, new charter flights to more distant exotic destinations will be added. Further renewal of long-haul flights remains among Prague Airport top priorities.
Representatives of Prague Airport and CzechTourism are currently attending the 2021 World Routes Development Forum, which is the world’s largest event in the field of air traffic development scheduling held annually. This year, the main focus is the resumption of air traffic after the crisis caused by the spread of a new type of coronavirus with the goal to achieve the fastest possible return to the 2019 number of flights offered.