In Q2 2022, 5 million guests in total were accommodated in collective accommodation establishments; 3.1 million of the guests were domestic and 1.9 million guests were from abroad. The number of overnight stays of guests in collective accommodation establishments increased by 190% to 12 million nights.
Czech Republic: The number of overnight stays of guests in collective accommodation establishments reached 12 million nights in Q2 2022, which was 190% more compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, according to the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) reports. Guests from the Czech Republic (CR) were prevailing, residents made up 62% of overnight stays. The number of overnight stays of residents was 7% higher than in Q2 2019 before the pandemic. However, the number of overnight stays of non-residents still has not reached the results from the year 2019; in the surveyed quarter, it was 36% lower.
“In the reference period, 5 million guests in total arrived in collective accommodation establishments, which was 229% more compared to the previous year. The number of domestic guests increased more than two times and also the number of guests from abroad who accommodated was considerably higher than last year,” Marie Boušková, Director of the Trade, Transport, Services, Tourism, and Environmental Statistics Department of the CZSO stated.
The segment of hotels, in which 70% of all guests were accommodated, recorded an increase in the total number of guests to 3.5 million arrivals (by 304.2%). Arrivals in boarding houses accounted for 14% of the volume of the number of guests with a year-on-year increment of 143.3%. The start of the tourist season in camps brought 270 thousand arrivals, 59.3% more compared to the previous year. In the second quarter of 2022, the most visited Regions of the Czech Republic were, besides the Hl. m. Praha Region, i.e. Prague, the Jihomoravský Region and the Jihočeský Region, as usually. In Prague, foreigners made up 73% of the accommodation; in other Regions, the clientele from the Czech Republic was prevailing.
“Outputs of accommodation establishments in the second quarter of 2022 still have not reached the volumes from the period before the pandemic. There is still a lack of guests from abroad, only 65% of them accommodated compared to 2019, whereas the number of domestic guests was already higher than in the Q2 2019,” Pavel Vančura, Head of the Tourism and Environmental Statistics Unit of the CZSO, said.
The highest number of foreign guests (non-residents; by citizenship) came to accommodate in collective accommodation establishments, as usually, from Germany. In the surveyed accommodation establishments, Germans still made over a fourth of guests from abroad (521 thousand arrivals). The second most numerous group consisted of guests from Slovakia (229 thousand), and guests from Poland ranked third (165 thousand arrivals). From non-European countries, the United States of America ranked fourth with 103 thousand arrivals. The lack of arrivals from Asian countries and the Russian Federation continued.