Cyprus: On the basis of the results of the Passenger Survey carried out by the Cyprus Statistical Service (CyStat) last month, the nation’s revenue from tourism reached €221,0 mn in May 2022 compared to €76,7 mn in May 2021.
For the period of January – May 2022, revenue from tourism is estimated at €543,0 mn compared to €123,0 mn in the corresponding period of 2021, and to €115,3 mn during the period of January – May 2020.
As Tourist arrivals to Cyprus have reached 75 per cent of levels seen in 2019. In the first half of 2022, the visitor’s arrival to Cyprus exceeded 1.22 million.
The arrivals of tourists reached 372.324 in June 2022 compared to 184.159 in June 2021, recording an increase of 102,2%.
For the period of January – June 2022, arrivals of tourists totalled 1.221.382 compared to 340.984 in the corresponding period of 2021, 255.675 in the period of January – June 2020 and 1.631.023 arrivals in the period of January – June 2019.