Cyprus recorded a growth of 52.9% in tourist arrivals in July 2022 compared to July 2021

Cyprus recorded a growth of 52.9% in tourist arrivals in July 2022 compared to July 2021

Cyprus: On the basis of the results of the Passenger Survey carried out by the Cyprus Statistical Service (CyStat), the Cyprus tourist arrivals reached 454.657 in July 2022 compared to 297.308 in July 2021, recording an increase of 52,9%.

For the period of January – July 2022, arrivals of tourists totalled 1.676.039 compared to 638.292 in the corresponding period of 2021, 320.589 in the period of January – July 2020 and 2.181.994 arrivals in the period of January – July 2019.

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Analysis of countries

Arrivals from the United Kingdom were the main source of tourism for July 2022, with a share of 38,2% (173.874) of total arrivals, followed by Israel with 8,4% (38.269), Poland with 4,7% (21.285), Germany with 4,7% (21.280), Sweden with 4,3% (19.732) and Greece with 3,4% (15.450).

Purpose of visit

For a percentage of 84,9% of tourists, the purpose of their trip in July 2022 was holidays, for 12,2% visited friends and relatives and 2,8% business. Respectively, in July 2021, 85,0% of tourists visited Cyprus for holidays, 11,3% visited friends or relatives and 3,7% visited Cyprus for business reasons.

A total number of 134.198 residents of Cyprus returned from a trip abroad in July 2022, compared to 62.961 in the corresponding month last year, recording an increase of 113,1%. The main countries from which the residents of Cyprus returned in July 2022, were Greece with 42,8%, the United Kingdom with 12,2% and Italy with 6,1%.Â