Jerusalem: Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, convened the ministerial committee on fighting the coronavirus (the Corona Cabinet) at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem.
The Prime Minister and the Cabinet ministers call on the public to get vaccinated as soon as possible and to follow the directives, the combination of which saves lives and will prevent more severe restrictions, including lockdowns, in the future.
Following are the decisions of the Cabinet:
* These decisions will take effect on Sunday (8 August 2021) subject to the approval of the relevant regulations.
1. Expansion of the ‘Green Badge’ plan to places in which there are gatherings of less than 100 people of all ages (including under 12, effective Friday, 20 August, in order to complete the rapid testing network),
2. It will be required to wear masks also in open spaces in which there are gatherings of more than 100 people.
3. Government ministries (and the entire public sector, to the extent possible) will shift to a work footing of 50% presence in the ministry. Ministry Director Generals will be authorized to enact changes in exceptional circumstances.
4. It is recommended that the private sector shift to a work-at-home footing.
5. Vaccinated adults who care for minors under 12 or people who are unable to care for themselves, who are discovered to be verified cases, will be required to quarantine.
6. Enforcement will be stepped up regarding people violating quarantine or the requirement to wear masks.
7. Entering and exiting the country:
* Red countries – There will be a sweeping flight ban apart from special cases approved by the exceptions committee.
* Orange countries – The list of countries will be expanded to include most countries of the world; returnees (including those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered) from these countries will be required to quarantine.
* Green countries – A very reduced list of green countries will be defined, the return from which will require quarantine until negative test results are received.
8. The public is called on to understand the situation and, therefore, to stop shaking hands, embracing and kissing, and avoiding non-essential gatherings in closed spaces.
9. People over 60 are specially called upon to avoid gatherings and all meetings with unvaccinated people in closed spaces.