International arrivals to Canada nearly doubled in Dec 2022 compared with Dec 2021

Canada to Suspend mandatory vaccination requirement for domestic travellers

Ottawa: The Government of Canada on Tuesday (Jun 15) announced that, as of June 20, it will suspend vaccination requirements for domestic and outbound travel, federally regulated transportation sectors and federal government employees.

Requirement for vaccinations suspended for domestic and outbound travel

As of June 20, 2022, at 00:01 EDT, vaccination will no longer be a requirement to board a plane or train in Canada.

This change does not affect border measures that require all travellers entering Canada to continue following entry requirements, including vaccination.

Other public health measures, such as wearing a mask, continue to apply and will be enforced throughout a traveller’s journey on a plane or train.

Given the unique nature of cruise ships, including the fact that passengers are in close contact with each other for extended periods of time, vaccination against COVID-19 is still required for passengers and crew on cruise ships.

Adherence to strict public health requirements on cruise ships will still be required.

Federally regulated transportation sector workers

As of June 20, 2022, at 00:01 EDT, employers in the federally regulated air, rail, and marine sectors will no longer be required to have mandatory vaccination policies in place for employees.

Employers will be responsible for establishing return-to-work practices.

Furthermore, the Government of Canada is no longer moving forward with the proposed regulations to make vaccination mandatory in all federally regulated workplaces.

Masking Requirements

Travellers on federally regulated planes and trains continue to be required to wear a mask throughout their journey except for brief periods (e.g., eating or drinking).

Passengers on cruise ships will be expected to follow the masking requirements and other hygiene measures as directed by the ship’s crew, regardless of whether they are foreign or domestic.

Entry requirements remain for travel to Canada from abroad

Canadian citizens and Canadian permanent residents returning from international destinations who do not qualify for the fully vaccinated traveller exemption continue to be required to provide a valid pre-entry test result, remain subject to Day 1 and Day 8 molecular testing, and quarantine for 14 days.

In addition, all travellers entering Canada are required to input their mandatory information in ArriveCAN within 72 hours before their arrival in Canada. Travellers who arrive without completing their ArriveCAN submission may be subject to Day 1, Day 8 molecular testing, quarantine for 14 days, and fines or other enforcement actions, regardless of their vaccination status.

Foreign nationals

Vaccine requirements for entry into Canada by foreign nationals remain unchanged at this time.  Foreign nationals who are not fully vaccinated continue to be prohibited entry into Canada. With the suspension of the domestic mandate, unvaccinated foreign nationals will continue to be able to depart Canada by plane or train.