Iceland: Approximately six million passengers passed through Keflavik Airport in 2022. That is over four million more passengers than in the previous year. A clear case can be made for a post-pandemic recovery to have taken place since 2022 is confirmed as the third busiest year at Keflavik Airport since 2018, which was the busiest in the airport´s history. In 2018, 9.8 million passengers passed through Keflavik Airport.
2019 was the second busiest year when more than 7.2 million passengers made their way through the airport. The number of passengers also increased by 67% in the month of December last year compared to the same period in 2021, with over 433 thousand passengers making their way through the airport at the end of 2022.
Isavia´s newly released passenger forecast for 2023 predicts an even bigger year in 2023 as it expects around 7.8 million passengers to travel through Keflavik Airport. Around 2.2 million of them will remain in Iceland as tourists. That would be the biggest number of tourists in Iceland in one year since 2018 when 2.3 million tourists visited the country.
A total of 24 airlines will fly the 7.8 million passengers to and from 80 destinations in Europe and North America. They will fly to and from around 50 destinations throughout the whole year.