Spain reached 8 million international air passengers in October, islands included, up 6% in 2019

975 organizations apply for Tourism Experiences Spain grants

With the aim of improving the range of experiences that Spain offers its visitors and attracting quality tourism, the first call for applications has a budget of 26 million.

The first call for the Spain Tourism Experiences program, a novel initiative framed in the Government’s Tourism Competitiveness and Moderation Plan, has received 237 proposals representing 975 entities. This program aims to improve the range of experiences that Spain makes available to its visitors and attract quality tourism. This new program is based on the Strategy for the Creation, Innovation and Strengthening of Spain Tourism Experiences, with which the aim is to increase and improve tourist experiences in Spain that value the tangible and intangible heritage related to the authenticity of the territories and their populations for their international promotion.

“The program, which has aroused great interest, evolves the tourist product concept by placing the traveller at the centre of the tourist experience and the destination. It will allow us to improve the tourist offer that Spain makes available to its visitors and to be better prepared for its subsequent international promotion”, commented the Secretary of State for Tourism, Fernando Valdés , once the deadline for the presentation of projects has ended.

Of these 237 projects, 100 correspond to entities that compete individually and 137 in groups. 78% of all applications come from the private sector, mostly associations and SMEs or micro-SMEs.

A budget of 26 million euros

This first call has a budget of 26 million euros, of which five million will be reserved for projects related to Xacobeo 2021-22. Beneficiaries will be eligible for funding of between 200,000 and two million euros.

Prior to the opening of the call, and during it, those interested have had at their disposal a participant’s guide and a mailbox to answer questions that have answered 1,270 questions. This 2022 there will be a second call for program aid, with a budget of 49 million euros and a specific line reserved for food and wine initiatives. In its three annuities, Spain Tourism Experiences has an endowment of 100 million euros.